How Exchanges Work
Cultural Exchange enables people to work away and live like a local. Travellers get to know the customs and family life, practice new languages, cook interesting food and learn skills while sharing your own culture. Volunteers help in the home, on the land and in the community for 4-6 hours a day and hosts provide the food and accommodation. If you want to have hands on experience, learn and share with others then Cultural Exchange might be for you.
The length of your stay is negotiated directly between you and your host. Most Cultural Exchange visits are between one and two weeks, though some may be as short as two or three days or as long as six months.
If you thrive in a different culture and have no problem striking up a conversation with a total stranger, are keen on learning about cultures and customs that are different than your own. If you believe that life is something to explore and experience firsthand. Why not join Cultural Exchange, which gives you endless opportunities to experience a diverse society and enjoy the company of new found friends worldwide! Â JOIN
Opening your home to Cultural Exchange volunteers can provide an extra pair of hands to help with various projects you are busy with.
Cultural Exchange can be hugely rewarding where you can share your skills, knowledge, culture and stories with volunteers. Being a Host enables you and your family to meet new people, make new friends and learn about different cultures; get to know the customs, try different cuisines, and even practice a new language. You welcome different people from all around the world and from many different cultures to experience and share your lifestyle.
Being a Cultural Exchange Host brings the world to you. The more you are willing to share, the more you will get back from the cultural exchange experience. Â JOIN